Thursday, March 19, 2020


HIST 1302 FINAL EXAM REVIEW Essay Example HIST 1302 FINAL EXAM REVIEW Essay HIST 1302 FINAL EXAM REVIEW Essay Final -rest Review 2013 Fall 1 . All of the following factors promoted the growth of suburbs a. Low cost government loans. b. Expanded road and highway construction. c. Increased automobile production. d. The baby boom. 2. The mood of the Beat Generation is best reflected in which Jack Kerouacs On the Road. 3. The decade of the 1950s was characterized by women doing what? 4. All of the following were reasons why a consumer culture appeared in the 1950s a. The creation of credit cards and easy payment plans. b. An increased ability of advertisers to create demand for new products. c. The ppearance of new and varied products. d. Keeping up with the Jones. 5. The Soviet Unions launching of Sputnik in 1957 immediately led to The creation of NASA 6. In his farewell address in January 1961, President Eisenhower warned the American people against . Military industrial complex and deficit spending 7. The largest public works project during Eisenhowers presidency was . Eisenhower Highway System 8. Containment is to Truman as is to Eisenhower. Brinkmanship 9. Which Supreme Court decision ruled that a state law school have to admit qualified African American applicants even if parallel black aw schools existed? Sweat vs. Painter 10. Which Supreme Court decision ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional? Brown vs. Board of Education 1 1 . Where was the March for Freedom in which state troopers and deputized citizens brutally attacked marchers in full view of television that helped lead to the Voting Rights Act of 1965? Selma, Alabama 12. In response to the arrest of Rosa Parks, African Americans did what? Boycotted riding the bus 13. Where was the location of a Woolworths lunch counter that sparked the sit-in movement for civil rights? Greensboro, NC/ A University 14. At first President Kennedy acted slowly on civil rights because? JFK didnt want to lose support from Southern Democrats 15. What was the Southern Manifest? a resolution signed by Congress condemning Brown vs. BOE ruling 16. In Little Rock, Arkansas, Governor Orval Faubus tried to prevent African American students from entering a white high school by deploying whom? Arkansas Natl Guard 17. The Kerner Commission blamed the majority of the inner-city problems on what? 18. Plessy v. Ferguson Separate but equal 19. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , believed the way to end segregation was through Peaceful Protest 20. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did little to guarantee what? Social equality/ integration 21. Until 1965, the civil rights movement focused on what? Integration of school and public places 22. After his pilgrimage to Makkah, Malcolm X concluded what? That segregation is not good for the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party? Fannie Lou Hamer 24. As a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, segregation was outlawed where? Nationally 25. Why is the Till case considered the birth of the Civil Rights movement? Because it motivated the young people to get involved 26. The Alliance for Progress, proposed by President Kennedy in 1961, can be most accurately called an added dimension of what FDR plan? Good Neighbor Policy 27. President Kennedys main goal in the United States 1962 decision to blockade Cuba was to what? : To get Soviets to surrender and/or move their nuclear weapons 28. What was JFKs policy calling for more conventional weapons to be used against Soviet aggression since nuclear weapons were to be used as a last response? Flexible Response 29. What became the symbol of the separation of the Free World from the Iron Curtain? Berlin Wall 30. The primary reason for the crushing Republican party defeat in 1964 was what? 1st televised debate, Nixon looked nervous (sweating) in comparison toa polished Kennedy 31 . Both the New Frontier and the Great Society shared the idea of what? 32. Supporters of the Warren Courts decisions in the 1960s believed that persons accused of crimes were entitled to what? 33. Johnsons Great Society, for all practical purposes, was put to end in 1968 because of what? His decision to not run for presidency and not accept DNC nomination 34. Which of the following events are in the correct order? McCarthy announces his candidacy, Tet Offensive, Johnson pulls out of race b. McCarthy announces his candidacy, RFK assassinated, Tet Offensive c. RFK assassinated, MLK assassinated, The Chicago Convention d. MLK assassinated, RFK assassinated, , McCarthy announces his candidacy e. None of the above 35. Who said the following: For it seems now more certain than ever that the bloody experience of Vietnam is to end in a stalemate? Walter Kronkite 36. Which president first got the U. S. involved in Vietnam? JFK 37. Whose political campaign was dubbed the Childrens Crusade? Eugene McCarthy 38. Escalation is to Johnson as is to Richard Nixon. 39. What effect did the Pentagon Papers have on the American public? 40. Which of the following is not a legacy of the Vietnam War? 41 . Nixons domestic policy included all of the following: a. More power to the state governments b. Increased police power to fight crime c. Reduced federal spending d. Appointing conservative Judges to federal courts 42. What was the Job of Nixons Plumbers? to take care or do away with anyone that was speaking out of turn against the Nixon Administration 43. President Nixons olicy of giving the states greater responsibility for controlling welfare and other government programs is called New Federalism 44. This term described the American economy in the mid 70s when business was not growing and inflation was rising out of control. Stagflation 45. What was the SALT I Agreement? Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, in theory well destroy some of our missiles you destroy some of yours 46. What did the American action during the Yom Kippur War of 1973 resulted in? 47. All of the following occurred during the presidency of Richard Nixon: a. The Watergate break-in and consequent hearings b. The resignation of the vice-president. visit d. The use of shuttle diplomacy to end Arab-Israeli conflicts 48. Gerald Fords main liability in the 1976 presidential election was . Nixon pardon? Watergate Scandal 49. What contributed to the Ayatollah Khomeinis hatred of the U. S.? 50. Which of the following is considered Carters most significant foreign policy accomplishment? Camp David Accord? (Israel and Egypt Peace Treaty); foreign policy/ human rights 51 . What led to Jimmy Carters success in the election of 1976? 52. What led to the U. S. boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow? 53. The most important element of the religious revival of the 1970s and 1980s was what? 54. The moral Majority attacked all the following a. Abortion rights b. Homosexuality c. Womens rights d. Secular humanist 55. What were economic goals of Reagan in the beginning of his presidency? 56. Which country did Reagan describe as the evil empire? The Soviet Union 57. President Reagan responded to the 1983 terrorist bombing of an American Marine barracks in Beirut by doing what? Retreating, U. S. troops pulled out of Beirut 58. The ne event that signaled the end of the Cold War more than any other was 59. What was President Reagans assessment of Gorbachev when they meet? He doesnt like him, and leaves the meeting 60. Some of the money from the American arms deal with Iran during the Reagan presidency was secretly funneled to . 61 . George Bushs 1988 presidential victory was the result of what? Promising no new taxes? 62. The Gulf War of 1991 had its origins in an Iraqi decision to annex Kuwait 63. In 1993, President Clinton secured from Congress all the following a. A significant reduction in government spending b. A free-trade agreement . A large tax increase on the wealthy 64. The budget impasse and shutting down the government in late 1995 and early 1996 saw the public largely blame whom? 65. The Muslim fundamentalist group that controlled Afghanistan was . Taliban? 66. The mastermind of the 9/11 plot was . Osama Bin Laden 67. Terrorist carried out their attacks on September 11, 2001, by . A1 Qaeda 68. What were the Americans searching for in Iraq that led to the invasion? 69. The 2000 election final was held up by which states votes? Florida 70. Who campaigned in the 2008 election promising hope and change? Barack Obama

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